59:43 Popular
The Vampire Bat (1933)
Added 303 Views / 0 LikesWhen corpses drained of blood begin to show up in a European village, vampirism is suspected to be responsible. Subscribe for more classic films.
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1:26:52 Popular
The Werewolf Of Washington
Added 258 Views / 0 LikesA reporter who has had an affair with the daughter of the U.S. President is sent to Hungary. There he is bitten by a werewolf, and then gets transferred back to Washington, where he gets a ...
1:12:02 Popular
Wasp Woman (1959)
Added 285 Views / 0 LikesThe founder and owner of a cosmetic factory, Janice Starlin, is concerned with the dropping sale results of her company. The scientist Eric Zinthrop offers to her his research with wasp enzymes that makes animals younger, and she immediately accepts to hi
1:05:21 Popular
White Zombie (1932)
Added 298 Views / 0 LikesA young man turns to a witch doctor to lure the woman he loves away from her fiancé, but instead turns her into a zombie slave. Subscribe for more classic films!
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Zontar - The Thing from Venus (1966)
Added 279 Views / 0 LikesZontar from Venus comes to the Earth to solve all problems of the world - he claimes. But Zontar has a different plan: He causes power outages worldwide, and controls people's minds. Dr. Taylor realizes Zontar true goal to rule the world.
1:16:52 Popular
Zontar: the Thing from Venus (1966)
Added 303 Views / 0 LikesA young scientist who helps a lone alien from Venus, finds out it wants to destroy man.