Storm Seekers
Starring: Daryl Hannah, Dylan Neal & Barclay Hope
Storm Seekers is a fast paced, visually arresting story of survival against nature at its most awesome and destructive. Seven-year-old Leah Kaplan saw her parents snatched from her forever by a savage hurricane and the trauma of that catastrophe lingers into her adult life. She shuns relationships through a fear of losing loved ones and she’s grown utterly focused on her work. Leah is a meteorologist and flight director onboard an aircraft which analyses extreme weather conditions and hunts down hurricanes in order to offer storm warnings. It’s a dangerous job but Leah accepts the risks. When the authorities order her to conduct a flight with Ryan Stewart, a handsome but abrasive journalist, she’s told that the gale she’s investigating is a mild one. But in truth, one of the most powerful storms in America’s history awaits…
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