Teenage Zombies (1960)
A quartet of teens visiting an island find themselves the victims of mad scientist Dr. Myra (Katherine Victor) who wants to turn them all into zombies! ...the mindless human kind, not the undead kind.
Don Sullivan, Paul Pepper, Mitzie Albertson and Brianne Murphy portray a likeable group of kids that you don't want to see anything bad happen to, and the film is expertly written in such a way as to keep you guessing how they're going to get out of this situation safely. Whilst appearing competent, our two male leads keep getting foiled and are forced to adapt... great stuff. Our two female leads don't really do anything, sadly, but all the kids deserve their cheesy ending nonetheless.
The most likeable characters of all are the secondary ones, (Jay Hawk) and Dotty (Nan Green), who are decent lil' actors as they rush to save their friends.