Teenagers from Outer Space [AKA The Ray Gun Terror] (1959)
Who'd have thought this would be awesome?! Critics of the time didn't think so, sadly, and the film performed so badly the director Tom Graeff tragically had a mental breakdown as a result.
That really isn't fair; David Love and Dawn Bender give us great, emotional and sensitive performances; their sweet romance as Derek and Betty is genuinely heartwarming, Betty is a great example of a headstrong female character, and the ridiculous premise and largely wooden acting from the supporting case is offset by the fact they are just so sweet and likeable... heck, Harvey B. Dunn plays such an adorable gramps to Betty that you really care about his wellbeing, and Bryan Grant is clearly enjoying the roll of Thor so much... who wouldn't enjoy playing a crazy supremacist that runs around demolecularising people into plastic skeletons??
This movie gives us great action, great special effects... erm... when lobster puppets aren't involved anyway, and most importantly, likeable characters that you really care about! It's a true tragedy this film failed at the box office so miserably.