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1919 - 1910

  • 1:06:06 Popular The Patchwork Girl of Oz (1914)

    The Patchwork Girl of Oz (1914)

    by youflix Added 316 Views / 0 Likes

    1914 silent fantasy film made by L. Frank Baum's The Oz Film Manufacturing Company and based upon his book, The Patchwork Girl of Oz. It is the first feature-length film taking place in the Land of Oz and is also notable for the early roles of Hal Roach &

  • 1:08:04 Popular The Trap  (1914)

    The Trap (1914)

    by youflix Added 280 Views / 0 Likes

    Donate for our restoration project of historic material: http://www.leetchi.com/c/pool-von-interpathe-16620838 -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "THE LAST MAN ON EARTH" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtZCKu-Swgo -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

  • 18:57 Popular The Vagabond (1916)

    The Vagabond (1916)

    by youflix Added 318 Views / 0 Likes

    The story begins with Charlie, the Tramp, arriving at a bar, playing on a violin to raise money and exciting rivalry with competing musicians - which results in a bar room brawl and comic mayhem. Wandering off into the vicinity of a gypsy caravan, in the

  • 12:54 Popular The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910)

    The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910)

    by youflix Added 368 Views / 0 Likes

    Did you know? MGM's famous 1939 The Wizard of Oz is a remake? Actually, it's the 3rd remake! This 100 year old+ silent classic is the earliest known (and earliest surviving) film version of L. Frank Braum's original 1900 novel, though it also borrows elem

  • 23:36 Popular Triple Trouble (1918)

    Triple Trouble (1918)

    by youflix Added 296 Views / 0 Likes

    Charlie takes a job as a janitor in the home of Colonel Nutt, a munitions manufacturer. As the butler introduces Charlie to the ill-tempered cook, Colonel Nutt demonstrates his new wireless explosive device to his daughter. Meanwhile, agents of the Pretze